What is the aim?
Centres of Excellence are designed to serve as a focal point of knowledge and skills on European Union affairs.
The Centres gather the expertise and understanding of high-level experts to develop links with and between various subjects related to the EU, as well as creating transnational activities and links with other institutions in other countries.
They are also designed to reach out to students dealing with related subjects, as well as policy-makers, civil servants, civil society, and the public.
What is the opportunity?
Erasmus+ offers the opportunity for higher education institutions (HEIs) to:
- organise and coordinate human and documentary resources on EU studies
- lead research activities in specific subjects
- develop teaching content and tools to update and complement current courses and curricula
- enhance the debate and exchange of experiences about the EU
- systematically publish the results of research activities.
Participating HEIs are expected to support the Centre to develop strategically, providing guidance and a vision, as well as promoting its initiatives and activities.
How does it work?
An organisation intending to apply must be a HEI established anywhere in the world. If the HEI is from a Programme Country, it must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.
Centres of Excellence may be expected to:
- take part in communication and information events at European and national level,
- organise events, lectures, seminars, or workshops with policy makers at local, regional and national level, as well as with civil society and schools,
- communicate about the results of their activities through seminars or lectures aimed at the general public and civil society representatives
- network with other organisations and individuals supported by Jean Monnet Actions
- publish their activities as open education resources.
An institution can only host one Centre of Excellence at a time.
What else should you know?
If the coordinator of a Centre needs to be replaced, a written request must be sent to the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
A Centre of Excellence may involve the cooperation of several institutions or organisations established in the same city or region, but they must be a clearly labelled institution or entity specialised in EU studies, and must be hosted by a HEI.
How do you apply?
Organisations interested in applying should do so through the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency.